A New Era Begins!
However, if we as a people cling to the errors of our past, we will utterly devastate the world before we usher in the coming utopian Age.
We welcome you to be with us in looking forward and moving forward to usher in a New Age, a New Era of Wisdom & Love.

You are Needed!
Be a Forerunner, a Founder
Welcome to the Love-Wisdom World, a movement of tomorrow, a movement of humanity to better all of the world, so we may live in peace and harmony. You are needed to make tomorrow’s world a better place for the children of today.
You are needed!
Those who will teach Love & Wisdom are needed to be a forerunner of that which tomorrow’s society will be; to be a founder of Love & Wisdom, where all governments and all people and all races will live as one in harmony and peace. This is the Love Wisdom World!
Why Call it
Love Wisdom World?
The Love-Wisdom Epoch combines the Wisdom Teachings of the East with the Love Teachings of the West to find themselves expressed as Love & Wisdom for all of humanity throughout all of the world.
Definitions of Love & Wisdom
Love is not simply a warm fuzzy feeling.
Love is ACTION!
Wisdom is not simply intelligence.
Love-Wisdom is the essence of the divine manifestation.
We are now entering a new epoch of history—the Love-Wisdom World.
Where humankind can manifest the full divinity of their beings and express the Love and the Wisdom of God.
To create a Utopian Society.

This Epoch Expresses
Creative Force
Love is the harmony, which holds all of creation together Wisdom is the intelligence by which all of creation is manifest.
This is the Age of Love & Wisdom that we are entering,
As we enter into this new epoch of history.
The Love Wisdom World
It will fully express the creative force of the Divine,
That which you call Love-Wisdom
This Epoch Expresses
Creative Force
Truly, truly, I say to you ….
A new time is coming,
A time when swords will be burnt into plow shares,
A time when weapons will be made into implements of peace,
A time when nuclear fusion will be used as energy,
A time when destruction will not reign,
A time when God and Peace will be known in the hearts of all men.
Concerning Past,
Present & Future
You cannot move into the future.
If you live only in the present,
You are doomed to make the same mistakes that you made in the past
And thus contaminate the future.
If you only live for the future
And do not heed the past or acknowledge the present
You will build wild dreams and not fulfill the potential of the future.
Thus, we call you in the present
To look at the past, flee from the errors of the past, and
To build a future—a world of Love & Wisdom.

The Results of Clinging to the Past
A new Epoch of history is beginning.
Because mankind hangs on to the past, wars and starvation is rampant,
The climate is being brutally punished and earthquakes occur throughout all of the earth.
These are as a result of humankind clinging to errors of a past Age.
But this is the transition period.
And if humanity continues to cling to the errors of the past,
It will create an apocalypse of epic proportions.
It is time to look to the good uses, the wise uses of technology,
And of all that has been given to man.
For, if we use all of these things with wisdom and apply them with love,
We will usher in the utopian world, the Utopian Age of Love and Wisdom.
Right vs. Wrong
Is there a right path, and is there a wrong path?
Is there a correct way to live and a wrong way to live?
Has mankind left the path of truth and sought something that is a mistake?
Are you able to leave a wrong path and come back to a proper path?
Can mankind correct its course and put itself on a proper path?
Is it possible to build a world upon Love-Wisdom?
Is it possible?
It is!
And that is what the Love Wisdom World is all about.
A New Spiritual Epoch
Be gentle as the dove and wise as the serpent.
Combine the intellectual Wisdom of the East with the Love and Grace of the West.
Combine the philosophies of the Buddha with the teachings of the Christ.
We enter into the new astrological Epoch of Aquarius,
The New Age of Love and Wisdom,
The Love Wisdom World.
If Humanity Is to Survive the New Epoch
This is a new era of communications and technology.
This is a new epoch of history
where the global world has become much smaller.
It is absolutely necessary that humanity learn to live together in harmony
If humankind is to survive the New Epoch, the New Age, that is being ushered in,
It is necessary that both Love and Wisdom — the key elements of the New Epoch — be understood and be fully integrated into the coming Era, into the technology that we are using as we build our future.
Failure or Success?
Have you seen heaven?
Have you seen hell?
Have you seen humanity?
Have you seen bliss?
Have you seen utter despair?
Have you seen the choices that humanity has made?
Have you seen how society has chosen to live?
There is food enough on the earth to feed everyone.
There is an abundance upon the earth that would supply all needs
And yet, much of the earth lives in poverty
Because mankind did not live up to the potential of the Age that Jesus Christ ushered in.
Humanity failed to live up to the Era of Love & Grace.
Now we come to the end of the Age
And enter a New Age of Love & Wisdom.
Will humanity look back and continue to live with destruction and poverty and famine?
Or will humanity look forward and live in a utopian world of abundance, peace and where the pursuit of happiness is promised to all?

Come, Join Us!
The disastrous Ages of the past have been built upon humankind’s inhumanity,
Upon the propensity for greed, lust, the desire for power and upon war, and the desire to have something that costs nothing at other people’s expense,
A New Age, a New Era, a New Epoch is being entered.
It is the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Love & Wisdom,
An Age where the Water-Bearer pours out blessings upon all of the world.
If humanity, if society, clings to the ways of the past
This shall be a very brutal time of transition.
But, there is hope! And we invite you
We invite everyone, who will be a part of the world, to join us.
Come! Join us! And be a prophet to warn those who will listen
So tomorrow may be a better day
And so, a transition period of suffering may be avoided.
Come! Join us, those who are leaders
So you may lead your people with a heart of love and wisdom
That will avoid catastrophe and war.
Come! Join us, healers and doctors
For those who work with medicine can work in such a way that health will be more prevalent in the world than illness.
Come! Be with us, artists and musicians
For you can raise up the souls and elevate the consciousness of the people
Just as musicians in the past have elevated people, they have also led them to war.
Now we seek artists and musicians who will definitely lead people to a world of Love & Wisdom.