

Page 23
… That which shall follow will seem as if it is a story being told. It will tie all of the necessary elements together and produce the specifics, by providing “markers” according to the course of order.
Since dates are not applicable in that all things correspond to the consciousness of man, it is necessary that prophecies be identified by “event markers,” so they may serve as a warning to those who “hear” and “see”.


Page 51

“And as governments are unable to satisfy the demands of displaced ethnic groups and cultures, terrorism shall increase.

But as terrorist actions come more to represent the demands of the people, the actions will begin to strike at governments, especially at monuments and institutions that are symbolic, and will begin to spare the citizens whom they fancy themselves to represent …”

And such will become very difficult for governments as members of the populace begin to align and affiliate with various organizations or subsidiaries thereof.

Terrorism in the United States

Page 52

But the greatest threat of terrorism within the nation of America comes not from those established societies that are most renowned, but from other sources, especially from militias that have recently formed and are currently forming in anti-government movements.

Danger to Society

This situation being prevalent, it is only a matter of time until there comes one young person, one who seeks to satiate a sense beyond that which has been satiated, one who will not have died in previous attempts at satiating this sense or that sense.

And that child will take the lives of many in an act of random and individualistic terrorism, not terrorism designed for any particular purpose, but terrorism designed as an act of random violence for the sake of violence solely as an aggression of satiating the experience of self.

Herein lies the greatest danger!

Para-Military Organizations

Therefore, it will be found that para-military organizations, forming and formed, will become a true threat.

Countries, a Short Overview

And there shall abound wars and rumors of wars. That tenuous peace that was thought to be manifest in Bosnia and Croatia, it shall not come to pass,

Nor shall South Africa rest.

And the Middle East shall continue to be at unrest despite all peace treaties.

And great changes of consequence will take place within the governments, partly due to the changes related to nature, and partly as a result of terrorism and war.  These changes will be manifold. As the growing climates become more severe and governments must intervene so that agriculture can keep pace, that the world may be fed, the governments will be severely taxed financially and will have to make alternate use of their militaries at times, due to the extreme and severe conditions, flooding, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tidal waves and other natural disasters. These all shall have a great impact upon the governments. Likewise, changes due to the demand of warfare and due to threat of terrorism will have to be made manifest. Governments will have no choice but to alter in those ways necessary to accommodate nature as well as man.

The Forces of Nature & Man’s Natural Resources

Page 41

Changes to the environment and major earth events are of great consequence to all of mankind.

It is already realized that there is a grievous and unnecessary depletion of the ozone layer.  It is evident that such has been caused partly by the destruction of flora, especially forest and wooded areas as well as by the technological advancement of man. However, the greatest surge of destruction to the ozone layer has been as a result of the automobile, which has exacerbated the situation within the 20th Century. It will be noted that the petroleum-powered vehicles may soon be obsolete. Yet, this can happen only if certain individuals and groups are willing to forego their greed for the benefit of mankind, as there are those who stand to prosper and those who stand to lose somewhat financially, when energy sources are switched from one resource to another.

Wind patterns are shifting.  Such occurs naturally but is being exacerbated and altered by man’s interactions. The process of deforestation and the injury of the ozone layer, creating an accelerated “Greenhouse Effect”, resulting in a movement of heat which interacts with the natural wind patterns.

Pollution is fast reaching unprecedented proportions, unseen gasses and radio-active pollution being far more dangerous and troublesome than many of the pollutions about which many individuals and scientists worry.

Storms, especially powerful storms such as monsoons, typhoons, hurricanes and tornadoes shall increase in frequency, and the severity and their paths shall oft take them upon unusual courses.

And rain will come out of due season, and not come in due season.

And areas that desire rain shall not have it. And areas that desire it not, shall receive it, so that crops are parched in the ground and yet, in a location not distant, crops rot in the ground because of flooding.

And there shall be flooding, great flooding!

And there shall rise changes in the earth’s crust so that long dormant volcanoes shall again become active.

One third of the trees and plants, one third of the of the water, one third of the land; and if you could measure it, even a third of the air that is to be breathed shall be contaminated.

And mankind shall die, shall perish accordingly, one third, then a third of that which is left, then a third of that which is left.

Health & Healing

Page 31

Great changes are taking place upon a global scale. Yet, advances in the fields of health, fitness, and medicine have as much impact upon the personal lives of individuals as do many of the political, economic, social, and religious changes. In truth, some individual lives will be much more affected by medical advances and changes in health care than they will be affected by any other thing within the occurrence of their present lives.

Therefore, it is necessary that We cover topics related to health and healing, not simply that We might show an ability to accurately convey events of the near future, but rather, that We might give “signposts”, indicators for those individuals in the various fields of research, learning and investment, so that they may know where to concentrate efforts for their success and for the continued benefit of and beneficence to mankind.”

Violence & Apathy

Page 65

  1. Yet, it is not just the cold and callous heart that leads to apathy, as apathy is also caused by the disorientation that comes from being isolated from nature, as well as is the result from a feeling of powerlessness of the individual to produce a change upon the collective, especially when bombarded continually with images of how great the collective is, and how difficult the collective is to change. Such feeling of being powerless to manifest change leads to despair and hopelessness, which in turn generates the response of apathy.
  2. Thus, are the words of Jesus fulfilled, saying that, “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the end of the Age, at the coming of the Christ; and wickedness of man will be great in the earth; and every imagination of thoughts in his heart will only be continually evil; and the earth will be corrupt before God”.
  3. The earth shall be full of violence, yet no one will seem to notice or to care. With each passing day violence will grow worse.

Chapter II

A World of Change

  1. And the King of England shall abdicate his throne.
    And his throne shall be received by one who is most capable and beneficial to handle it.
    But England shall be weak as will be the United States.
    And the King shall be virtually powerless, an ornament of display when he comes to office, just as is presently the case.
    But he will not be willing to stay such.
  2. And the containment of Chernobyl shall fail and governments shall come to work in an effort together to resolve this situation; but disagreement and squabbles will keep such from immediately being resolved.
  3. And as this occurs, the Chinese government finds rebellion and uprising.


Chapter III

Page 73

  1. And only hours after this election, there shall be a rumor of war, a threat of violence, even explosions in Israel.
  2. And upon assuming office, this man of mixed heritage, shall take unto himself the name Sixtus, Xystus, the Sixth.

    Chapter IV

    Need for Leadership Filled

    Page 75

    4. Financial problems, racial tensions, and the despondency of the youth shall be at an all-time high.

    Thus, Sixtus will take his office when there is great despair and an absolute urgency for appropriate leadership in the economic and political world.

    Chapter VI


    Page 72

    1. And even “Charlemagne”, in his return, shall not again usurp the power of the Church, nor take the crown upon himself.
    2. And by the time of his appointment to office, the market of the world shall be unified through electronic means and be controlled by computers.

    Chapter XI


    1. And the army of the North shall come, even into the valley of Megiddo
    2. And the evil one, the great adversary, will consider it o little consequence to call upon the military forces of all the allied European nations.
    3. And there shall be destruction, unprecedented in all of the history of mankind.

    “The Mad Dog”

    “The Dog” being an emblem of royalty, it is thus The Wild Dog” that shall come forth ”foaming at the mouth” and shall “lunge and rip to bits” and hold at bay that ultimate destruction.

    Identification of True Prophets (vs. False Prophets)

    Page 116

    1. And, for three and a half years, there shall be prophets in the streets of Jerusalem.
    2. And when they shall pray
      And command that there be no rain, there will be no rain.
      And when they command that there be rain, there shall be rain
      And if they call for fire from the sky, it shall come; as the elements shall obey them.

    The End of an Age Brings Karma

    Page 120

    1. Yet, as the time of transition encroaches, a time of karma is at hand.
    2. … And as governments are allowed to exist by the Grace of the Divine, peoples and governments, singular and collective, can be and at times are agents of the Divine to manifest Divine Will. Thus was the Roman Empire an agent of the Divine, acting as the hand of God.
    3. So now likewise there is the transition of an Age, a time of change. And there will be those set in mighty places of power to extract the retribution of due karma.
    4. Such must be, so that there might be balance and harmony, in order to manifest the beginning stages of the consciousness of Love and Wisdom, which is to reign during the next 2000 years.

    “The Mark of the Beast”

    Page 128

    1. And it has been said that man shall not buy or sell except he have the mark of the beast in the hand or on the forehead
    2. But We tell you, this is not a physical mark.

      Chapter XXIV
      False Prophets Replace True Prophets

      Page 141

      1. And as true prophets are slain, false prophets shall be accepted in their place by the powers that be.
      2. And if people shall watch closely and heed this warning, they shall not be fooled!

        Chapter XXXI


        Page 163

        1. There shall be abundance made manifest throughout all of the earth.
        2. And all of the earth and ll of the creatures therein, even man, shall find rest.



        RUSSIA – The Commonwealth of Independent States

        Page 236

        Russia shall seek great change and it will come to pass, by a twist of fate, that a child directly descended from the old empire shall swiftly take the throne, and through popularity with the peoples shall begin to bring back shadows of Russia’s former glory that will quickly become bright lights.

        And Russia shall become a military power under the leadership of that child who is a member of the bastard line descended directly from the throne of Peter.

        And there shall be none that can stop his ascent to power.

        And Communism shall be no more.


        Page 140

        “A country in shambles and “rudderless at the top”,

        is it not overtly ripe for ‘The Child of the Bastard lineage of Czar Peter Receives Recognition and Takes The Throne’”

        Page 105

        1. “For this ruler shall soon ascend his throne, determining the ultimate end of any chance for Communism to again arise in Russia.
        2. And he shall restore an ancient pride and that pride shall not be subservient to the Church.”

        Although most of the prophesied events of consequence have not yet occurred, it is at this time urgent that we pull your attention to that section in “The Prophecies for the World” that speaks about “The war before THE war” to rage around the turn of the Century, which war will surely come about unless drastic actions to alter the current direction in that region are taken.


        Page 137

        • “And there shall be another great war before ……… takes his throne. And many will think that this is the beginning of the final great war.
        • And even though this war shall be as great as was WWI or WWII, it shall not be as many imagine, the “Armageddon”.
        • And because of the timing of this war, many assume that this is the great last war of “the end”…………
        • For the great war shall come from Europe, even unto the Middle East.
        1. Three days and three nights shall there be fighting, with the destruction being equal to WWI and WWII in the intensity of the all-out warfare, in its toll, and in the magnitude of involvement, not in its duration.
        2. And the destruction shall be great, but such is merely the beginning of sorrows.
        3. And at this time each nation will fight of its own accord, and Europe shall not be yet united, but this shall set the stage for the need of peace.
        4. And this shall be the situation that will allow ………. to manifest peace and set his throne upon high. Astrology Miscalculated
        5. And what is the time and the date of such a happening?
        6. We give you adequate warning; still, many do not understand the passing of an Era, nor do they make adequate adjustments within the Science of Holy Astrology to allow for the compensation and retrogrades; and thus they assume that times are nearer at hand than they are.

        The Final Warning!

        1. And yet, this – these Prophecies We now speak, must be considered the final warning! for consciousness must attempt a change if man is to have a chance to avoid the calamities and catastrophes that are within the future.


        Page 122

        1. Behold! Prophets are sent to you, and wise men are sent to you, and learned scholars are sent to you. They come in this time, in this Age and Era, in the here and the now!
        2. And they come in the Spirit of John, and in the Spirit and the Power of Elijah!”