Daniel Clay
Mystic & Sage
Harbinger of the New Epoch
Mystic & Sage Daniel Clay has the Blood Lineage of the Ancient Prophets and Spiritual Succession by Laying On Of Hands for Thousands of Years.
He is the author of The Prophecies, The Seventh Direction, Using Intelligent Energies Philosophy & Practice, The Fables & Parables.
Daniel Clay is a Teacher proclaimed by others as a healer and miracle worker.

The American mystic Daniel Clay was born into a conservative, deeply religious family of the Evangelical Tradition. As a child, he did not speak until the age of three, at which time he began to speak in full, complete-structured, complex sentences much to the amazement of his family.
At an early age, his gifts for healing became known. Daniel Clay developed rapidly as he pursued the art of meditation beginning at the age of 13. He spent many hours daily in prayer and study. The result was a wisdom far beyond his years and a devotion to God the Creator that remains unquestionable.
As he moved towards his twenties, Daniel Clay entered into the full embodiment of worldly sensations, achievements and conquests, thus fully experiencing humanity within the existing incarnation. Having completed his formal studies and beginning life as a family man, Daniel Clay returned to the Divine Call.
Thus, the Spirit of the Divine was embraced and nurtured until it became fully manifest.
In 1983, Daniel Clay began his work of prophecy. Speaking for a private audience, he forecast the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Uniting of East & West Germany, the demise of Russia with the end of communism in that area, amongst others; and, for the first time, gave his highly detailed description of the time just prior to what has been termed “The End of an Era”
and the details known as the occurrence to change the world as if “in the wink of an eye.”
In 1996, Daniel Clay delivered new World Prophecies never before given to mankind, following in the footsteps of such great prophets as Daniel, John, the author of Revelations, John the Baptist, and Nostradamus. This Divine Message of Love & Wisdom, and hope is given so mankind may interact with prophesied occurrences to benefit humanity in determining its destiny.

In his mission to uplift the consciousness, Daniel Clay addresses those subjects that are nationally or internationally relevant and at-hand and will motivate and empower people to act in alignment with that which is good.

Daniel Clay addresses those who are willing to ask and listen as he extends globally-oriented teachings of Love & Wisdom, which teachings are those Spiritual Principles upon which all major world Faiths have built their foundation and are the bedrock of the new world consciousness that combines Divine Grace or Love brought to the West by Jesus of Nazareth, who became known as the Christ, with Wisdom brought to the East by Prince Siddhartha Gautama, who became known as the Buddha, fusing the two in this new Epoch of Love-Wisdom Consciousness.
Daniel Clay was consecrated a bishop in July of 2001. He is the founder of Order of the Mystical Rose, which is an Order of “Red Robed” Mystics. Multitudes of people are reached by Daniel Clay Institute, through which organization Daniel Clay reaches out to people of all Faiths with his message of Love & Wisdom.
Although Daniel Clay was born and educated in the traditions of the West, many of the people who have come in contact with him, believe him to be a Lama according to the traditions of the East. The title “Rajarishi” has been bestowed upon him by Maharaja Ramlaxman Singh Ratlam. The Native Americans have recognized him as a holy-man and honored him with the title “Roadman”.

Daniel Clay has brought about the phenomena termed, “manifestation” and “bilocation,” and even in his early childhood he was known for miraculous healings.
As a result of his work, Daniel Clay has been honored with various awards, titles and degrees, but he remains a quiet and humble man. He is best known for his prophetic abilities. Through his hands, his prayers or his mere presence, miracles have happened. It is now ever more occurring that people at great distances hear his deep, powerful, resonating voice. Even so, with spiritual gifts being wide and varied, Daniel Clay remains a most conservative individual by any standards, his humility forbidding him to speak about himself or his gifts.
To those who are in his presence, he radiates peace, equilibrium and love. Yet this motionless man even when in motion, turns into a powerful, charismatic and electrifying speaker when addressing his audience as the Power and Love of the Divine that emanates from him, deeply move and touch the very core of every individual who is present. He has a reputation for being one of the most dynamic mystics of our time.