Fulfilled Prophecies
As an Era, Age, or Epoch of consciousness approximates a time span of 2000 years, it is understandable that there is a transition from the old to the new epoch. This is one of the most difficult and dangerous times as many want to hold on to the past; yet mankind must transition, whether it wants to or not. Thus, prophecy is given as a warning, with signposts, in that all prophecy of destruction may be avoided.
This work of prophecy having been delivered in 1996, it stands to reason that some of these prophecies have already been fulfilled; however, in the greater scheme, these fulfilled prophecies are but the beginning of that which is to come lest mankind interacts with the occurrences, as they are given, to avoid the prophesied destruction.

Terrorism Events—Is Israel just the beginning
Page 53
“It will be seen that great risks to major governments, such as France, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Portugal and Spain, even Italy, shall rise from such organizations as the Hamas and several Islamic groups that form according to radical concepts, as are the newly forming militia’s in the United States of America.”
Page 56
“It will further be seen that Hamas plots against France and even Egypt; as there is a feeling amongst the Hamas that the participation of these countries, in the enforcing of military actions of the United States, is a direct assault upon that for which they exist.”
Current Events in Russia & Ukraine
Page 153
“Be not dismayed that, in the near future, the Russian Empire, with China as its alley shall stand with bordering Slavic countries and with Saudi Arabian countries to make war in a desire to gain financially, in a desire to unify its people, and in a desire to exploit contacts to assure a steady supply of petroleum.
And the French and German and English and American powers, even the Australian shall stand against such”.
Page 236
“Ukraine, oh staunch and sturdy Ukraine, How from these alliances can you possibly refrain. Courage in your hearts, wisdom in your minds; See where the treasure in your land you find”.
The Waning Greatness of The United States
Page 54
“And the power and supremacy of the United States shall wane, ……. truly, the rise to power and fall from power of empires is determined by the spirituality or lack of spirituality of the people, and their moral fiber.”
Page 51
“And as governments are unable to satisfy the demands of displaced ethnic groups and cultures, terrorism shall increase.
But as terrorist actions come more to represent the demands of the people, the actions will begin to strike at governments, especially at monuments and institutions that are symbolic, and will begin to spare the citizens whom they fancy themselves to represent …”
And such will become very difficult for governments as members of the populace begin to align and affiliate with various organizations or subsidiaries thereof.
In The United States of America
“We have mentioned the fact that terrorism will, in its organized form, turn to the destruction of symbols, but that destruction of symbols rather than human life, will result from the dastardly acts of individuals and militias, especially in the United States of America, claiming life at great toll to such an extent that terrorism world-wide shall be decried and terrorist organizations punished to the maximum for any infliction of harm to humanity that incurs the taking of life.”
Risk to Governments
“It will be seen that great risks to major governments, such as France, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Portugal and Spain, even Italy shall rise from such organizations as Isis and several Islamic groups that form according to radical concepts, as are the newly forming militias in the United States of America.”
Individual Terrorism
“One of the greater threats of terrorism at the moment if not terrorism by organized groups, but rather by individuals who are psychologically unbalanced, deranged, or displaced; youth and young adults who are seeking attention of thrill, and are doing so—not even for revenge—but for the simple sake of “doing”.
Despair of Children
“Furthermore, children are in a state of great despair.
… Thus, it may be readily seen that the youth find itself taking a step backward into an almost tribal existence of a war-like culture, where each individual fends for the self without thought or regard to the other; and in an animal instinct and passion, thinks only for the satiating of the senses of the self.
” And the conscience of these children is thus seared so that right becomes wrong and wrong becomes right.

Danger to Society
“This situation being prevalent (referring to a previous section stating the reasons for the “Despair of Children”), it is only a matter of time until there comes one young person, one who seeks to satiate a sense beyond that which has been satiated, one who will not have died in previous attempts at satiating this sense or that sense.
And that child will take the lives of many in an act of random and individualistic terrorism, not terrorism designed for any particular purpose, but terrorism designed as an act of random violence for the sake of violence solely as an aggression of satiating the experience of self.
Herein lies the greatest danger!”
Organized Terrorism
“We should also speak in reference to those acts that are of a more violent nature, being organized and pre-meditated. For amongst those who satiate the senses are also those that seek to justify the same, having somewhat of a conscience. Thus, they organize together in conspiracy against social or government organizations.”
Para-Military Organizations
“Therefore, it will be found that para-military organizations, forming and formed, will become a true threat. And it will be found that there are plans laid to weaken the government of the United States of America by several similar organizations.
Weapons of Choice
“It is of utmost importance that the governments realize the chance that these radical elements may try to execute such actions, the weapons of choice being several-fold:
Amongst children there shall be mostly those weapons non-complex, and those bombs non-complex.
However, it must be realized that those who travel and work upon the Internet also often have advanced computer and electronic skills, thus enabling them to manufacture technologically advanced devices and weapons.
It will be in more organized attempts of terrorist actions, that hand-held rocket-launchers are a possibility.
But the more viable source that shall be chosen for use in the near future is the railgun, consisting of tubes or poles with a magnetic opposing force, launching projectiles at great velocities.
3-D Printed Guns (Documentary)
Global Financials
Page 36
““Due to the world’s advancement in communications, the markets are truly becoming global. Market places throughout the world are ever becoming closer one to another and electronic means of computer configuration makes money, such as most people are used to dealing with money, unnecessary.
Though paper money shall continue for a short while, with various protective enhancements to foil counterfeiters, it shall soon be obsolete.
Page 37
Buying and selling shall all soon become a simple matter of adding or subtracting credits to an account, electronically transmitting the same, utilizing advanced computer technologies”.
“Initially, thumb or fingerprints shall be used upon credit cards to secure the same against theft. Then it shall be realized that, utilizing current technologies, the inconvenience of carrying a card is most unnecessary, and that only the thumb, finger, or handprint is necessary to transact business.
Thus, even credit cards and debit cards will become obsolete.”
“Eventually, individual accounts and credit shall be merged so that there is no division between checking accounts, savings accounts, and credit accounts.
Being a simple concept in that one is dealing with imaginary money, and imaginary value of that imaginary money, exchanging things of little value for things of great worth, one to the other, this eventual consolidation will initially seem to be most beneficial.
Such will greatly raise the standard of living for many individuals.
But the long-term effect that such shall produce will be the virtual enslavement of mankind to those who hold the financial reigns…….”
Page 39
“All merchandise that is sold or traded shall have upon it an encoded serial number that will be registered to the thumb print, finger print, or hand print of the purchaser and can thereafter only be transferred to another by the individual submitting a valid print of authenticity. Retinal scans may quickly replace fingerprints as they are even more individualistic.
Keys will no longer be needed for door locks or ignitions of automobiles, as “entrance” shall be programmed to the users’ personalized prints….
However, as We have already mentioned, when the normal earning power of an individual becomes directly correlated to, and functions with an individual’s credit so that there is no division, the grave danger of enslavement becomes great indeed!”
Please see the following links:
“Credit card with a fingerprint sensor revealed by MasterCard”
“The Invisible Credit Card of the Future”
“Welcome to Sweden – the most cash-free society on the planet”
“Sweden is on track to become the world’s first cashless society”
“The Cashless Society Cometh: European Nations Such As Sweden And Denmark Are ‘Eradicating Cash’”
The Forces of Nature & Man’s Natural Resources
Page 41
“Potentially, the environment is becoming more extreme. the seasons throughout all the world will surely remain in their due times, but the severity of the seasons shall increase with each passing year.
Storms, especially powerful storms such as monsoons, typhoons and hurricanes, and tornadoes, shall increase in frequency and severity. And rain will come out of due season, and not come in due season. And areas that desire rain shall not have it. And areas that desire it not, shall receive it, so that crops are parched in the ground and yet, in a location not distant, crops rot in the ground because of flooding.
And there shall be flooding, great flooding! ……………
Page 44
And there shall be great earthquakes in Indochina, India and Pakistan. …
And there shall rise changes in the earth’s crust so that long dormant volcanoes shall again become active.
And there shall rise changes the earth’s crust so that long dormant volcanos shall again become active.
There are many individuals who would love nothing more than that We should say that the earth is going to be purged of all evil men, and that he or she should run to this mountain or that cave, that they may be saved. But We tell you, the changes that are to occur will be most seemingly random; and that the building of shelter and the storing of food is of little consequence, foolish indeed….
Page 45
for, two men may be caught in a flood – one will live and one will not;
two women may be caught in a storm – one will live and one will not;
two children may go to bed to sleep peacefully through the night; and one will live and one will not.Yet it is important that man realize that his actions are greatly responsible for the changes occurring in weather patterns. It is his actions that kill many species of animals. It is his actions that destroy many species of plants. It is his actions that limit the possibilities for tomorrow.”
Health and Healing
Cancer Research And Treatment
Page 31
“Various forms of cancer will be resolved and become preventable, sometimes curable, according to the type of cancer, as such is isolated according to genetic predispositions. For utilizing advanced technologies, it shall become possible, within genetic research, to isolate many of the encoded DNA patterns which genetically predispose any individual to certain forms of cancer and many other various ailments. As a result of this ability to isolate such, it will become possible in some cases to create preventative vaccines, or healing serums, or medications that will adequately slow the process of destruction to the health.”
“As medical science continues, it will be found that radiation can still be utilized as a means of treating various cancers, but such means of treatment will not remain as crude and barbaric as it has been in the past, for radiation shall be able to be pinpointed to the cancerous area without injuring or contaminating the surrounding tissue.”

“It will further be found that sound frequency or resonant vibration, can also be used in in same way to heal”
“Brain Surgery Using Sound Waves”
“Doctors Use Deep-Brain Ultrasound Therapy to Treat Tremors”
New Sound treatment to heal brain cancer
The HIV Virus
“In the immediate future, the transferal of the HIV virus, which ultimately manifests Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, shall no longer be transferred from mother to child. It will be impossible for such to be eliminated in the immediate future as so many individuals are in the advanced stages of the manifestation of this illness. However, within the most immediate future, it shall become possible to arrest the development of any stage of infection, or illness, and within the not distant future, it shall be possible to vaccinate against the same, just as was done with smallpox and is done with hepatitis.” (Current information: WHO)

Global Financials
Humanizing The Physical Surroundings Of Those Who Are Ill Or Are Recovering
“Another great benefit to the medical industry, to the industry of health and healing, shall be the realization of the necessity for humanizing the atmosphere in which an individual must live and recover. It will be found that meditation techniques, or positive mental programming, will be accepted and will have a tremendous impact upon the health and the well-being of its practitioners.”
“The great link that exists between spirit, mind and body shall be recognized. The mind focuses the energy of the spirit, that it might be manifest in the physical. the physical is the essence of the Mind-spirit made manifest in the flesh.”
Two Practices From The East To Receive Recognition
“The two practices from the East that will find great acceptability by the main stream of the Western civilized world are “meditation and acupuncture”. It is important that the West avoid the superstitious aspects of these practices and concentrate upon the practical aspects. This is to be done by the medical field for acupuncture and the theological, the metaphysical, and the spiritual, and even the psychiatric and psychological fields for meditation.”
The Effect Of Magnetic Fields Upon The Human Body
“Earlier it was mentioned that perhaps the most exciting medical advance would be the discovery of the effect of magnetic fields upon the human body, sometimes even bringing instantaneous Healings. Research will show that the magnetic fields in which mankind lives are often altered from their natural state. Research will show that the entire magnetic field of the earth is even affected by man’s actions in such a way as to have an effect upon the molecular structure of living beings.”
Magnetic pulses are used to treat migraine headaches.
Magnets are used in the treatment of clinical depression.