This is a term that is often misunderstood. Initiation is NOT a reading of books regarding a specific topic and one is initiated in that topic when finished.

The Theosophists and many of the 19-Century Mystery Schools and those patterned after their teachings, speak of Initiation as having “attained” a specific consciousness, with other words, having become of that consciousness. The term would then be, he is an Initiate of that consciousness. This is not done by study as many would have you believe. It is done through meditation, climbing the path of that consciousness to its apex and then acting accordingly in one’s daily life.
However, the more accepted meaning of Initiation is a transferal of consciousness by someone who is of that consciousness to one person or thousands at a time. This was done by Jesus to his disciples and close followers. More recently, the 14th Dalai Lama, known as Gyalwa Rinpoche to the Tibetan people, and some of the Indian gurus, the more well-known being Paramahansa Yogananda, who in turn was initiated by his great spiritual teacher Swami Sri Yukteswar, who in turn was initiated by Lahiri Mahasya, who was initiated by his teacher Mahavatar Babaji.
To date Daniel Clay has Initiated many who are ready and have asked to receive the consciousness of Love & Wisdom and he will continue to do so.
The one thing one must understand is that such instant transferal of consciousness to a higher consciousness must be nurtured when not in the presence of the Master Daniel Clay. How to do so will be taught when appropriate during speaking events, but of course more intensely as part of the total immersion program when studying with Daniel Clay on a one-on-one basis.