Other Written Works

The Seventh Direction
One of the most unusual autobiographies, this book is a view of the powerful latent potential that is within you and hopes to open you to the divine flowing through yourself and to set you on the path to achieve all of the blessings and rewards life has to offer.
This book ultimately shows just how common the uncommon is and encourages you, the reader, toward the realization of your own full spiritual potential.

The Prophecies
Daniel Clay is a mystic and sage who brings a divine message of warning, hope, and love to a world that is desperately in need. He first began his work of prophecy in 1983, forecasting the fall of the Berlin Wall, the uniting of East and West Germany, and the demise of Russia.

Using Intelligent Energies Philosophy & Practice
A primer on all things Occult and Magick. This work is focused on the use of “Intelligent Energies”, how existing energies are optimized, and how energies are created for specific purposes.

Set Sail
Poetry is posible the most powerful magick humanity posses. With it meaningless sounds transfer feeling, and emotion from one being to another.
If one of these poeams touches your heart, than this litle tome has accomplished true magick.

The Fables & Parables of Daniel Clay
These stories follow the Ericksonian model. They appear very simplistic, but are designed to effect change on the subconscious levels of response.

The Ancient Lineage & Arms of Daniel Clay
This provides the lineage and arms of HRH Archbishop Daniel Clay, Prince of Kapatagan Valley, Sultan a Romapenet, Prince of Kutai Mulawarman, Duke of Gischala, Alba Longa and Latium, Count & Knight Commander of the Society of the Dragon.

Using Intelligent Energies Philosophy & Practice
A primer on all things Occult and Magick. This work is focused on the use of “Intelligent Energies”, how existing energies are optimized, and how energies are created for specific purposes.

Words of Wisdom Volume I
This is a collection of spiritual messages for today’s world. It provides thought provoking insights for all readers. This collection is especially good for public speakers and clergy who are seeking fresh material.

Books by Daniel Clay
A collection of writings by Daniel Clay in one convienent place.