In past years, the Central Ohio Area of the Association for Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) hosted a program featuring a very special or unusual individual speaker. In October 1995, we asked Daniel Clay to speak to our group. Approximately 200 people attended the program which was held in the Columbus, Ohio Unity Church.

Daniel Clay spoke from his meditative state, starting with a 20-minute introduction about everyone being a Divine Creative Force, and how such should be used or not-used. He went on to talk about the changes to come in our country and the world, how to prepare, and about prophecy in general. He also described events that he had previously prophesied that had already occurred. He then answered questions from the audience and talked about vibration.
Daniel Clay summoned some familiar Archangels and spoke about soul growth on the various planes of existence. He also told us about the lost years of the Master Jesus, His Ascension, and other facts generally not known. He gave information about the Bermuda Triangle, the one-world market, and other great financial insights.

He spoke about the force of gravity and how it can be neutralized. He also gave us some yet-unknown information about incarnation and re-incarnation. In short, during that Saturday, Daniel Clay gave astounding information and much food for thought. The following day was spent on Healing with many in the audience healed from serious conditions. He taught us how to properly pray to manifest that which is desired, such as bringing rain to a drought-stricken area.
All in all, these two days were very special, they were filled with love, and they were life-altering for those who were fortunate to be present.
Darian Torrance, Columbus, Ohio