Dedicated to

This work of prophecy, delivered by Daniel Clay in 1996, contains prophecies for our global world and prophecies for each separate nation.

The Advancement of Technologies Allowing for
the Fulfillment of Ancient and Current Prophecies

Only a few years ago, it would have been most difficult indeed for Us to convey this message as directly and succinctly as We now do.

The advances of man in the field of technology, especially as this relates to computer and to the transmission, storage and retrieval of information, is the primary ingredient, the principal element, that affects most prophecies that We shall clarify.

For only with the advent of technologies such as those that are now developed, and only with the advent of almost instantaneous global communication, has the possibility for the fulfillment of many prophecies become a reality.

Such is not only a reality but inevitable. Technologies have not only advanced to the point to allow fulfillment, but only now that mankind is aware and informed of these technologies is it possible for man to fully comprehend and understand the prophecies even of the ancients.

From the Foreword

Each individual interacts with the world about himself as he makes choices, and thus each individual plots the course of his own destiny, creates his own life.

It is the same for nations.

It is the same for the world.

Thus, an individual plots his path according to his consciousness, his awareness. That which We deliver to you is meant to be clearly understood. Many prophecies have been given in the past but were obscured because it was not the time of their fulfillment.

The time of fulfillment for many prophecies of old and of current, is at-hand. Many of the ancient prophecies We now clarify; and those prophecies which are presently spoken, are spoken in such a manner as to be easily comprehended.

Such an easy comprehension should allow due warning to be received by all individuals and should allow each individual to make an intelligent choice. Thus, being empowered and enabled to interact with the events of the present and the near future, We reiterate once more that it is important for man to understand that the way in which man interacts with prophecies can have a drastic effect upon the severity and mode of fulfillment—if ever indeed such must even come to pass.

Positive interaction with the events of the present ultimately improves the future.

This work of prophecy, delivered by Daniel Clay in 1996, contains prophecies for our global world and prophecies for each separate nation.

These prophecies are not a “must occur” but are given as a warning, so that all individuals may have greater knowledge as to how they may interact with events as they occur, to bring about that which is most beneficent and helpful for mankind.

Book Reviews

“Whether or not Daniel Clay’s “Prophecies” are divinely inspired revelations or merely the products of a deeply spiritual and insightful mind is almost beside the point as one begins to read this truly astonishing work. While the reader’s first temptation is to skim the text searching for validations of predicted events that have already come to pass—and there are more than a few absolute stunners—more careful reading yields greater rewards. Because Daniel Clay has an uncanny ability to peel away the layers of the most complex sociological and political issues of our time to expose basic truths that are at once so obviously simple and yet so profound, they take your breath away. Those deep and indisputable insights, in turn, force one to give serious credence to the author’s dire and very specific predictions of mankind’s possible future in a new millennium devoid of individual expression and shadowed by the politics of pure Evil. Though you may agree or disagree with “Prophecies,” I confidently predict you won’t be able to put it down.”

F.M. O’Rourke
Author, Los Angeles

This gripping book is possibly the most unique and powerful collection of prophecies since Michel Nostradamus. These prophecies, delivered during the month of July 1996, predict radical changes in the current world, yet give the reader a sense of hope in what is often a seemingly hopeless world. Love and compassion for the human race engulfs the reader as every page guides him to answer the compelling questions that he has in his heart. This is a view of what may be the final destruction or the beginning of a utopian world.

James E. Haas, III
President, New Epoch Agency

“A unique, new way of viewing current & future events—Clay, in contrast to the traditional Nostradamus prediction tradition, presents such clear, precise predictions. These are truly warnings about what might happen. I did not expect the alternative to also be given. The Power is in the Positive. The alternative is also given in detail. For the first time, I was given a clear picture to strive toward, to pray for. Keeping, holding the image, the thought of what MIGHT, of what could be is more attractive and effective than the dire warnings that have become almost commonplace as to lose their once effectiveness. That only serves to enhance the hopelessness that is epidemic.”

Barbara H. Pomar
Author, Sheridan, WY

When I met Daniel Clay for the first time, I saw his eyes. They were sharp and soft, welcoming and secret, they were a world of their own. Then I “discovered” the man behind these eyes (as far as anyone can use the word “discover” for the universe that is Daniel Clay. You feel happy if you can pretend to know just a little bit of him.) He comes from the Light and he goes to the Light, and everyone who approaches him receives a part of that Light.

 Catherine Hermary Vieille
French Author