Total Immersion
The world is in a transition. We are ushering in the Love-Wisdom World!
However, transitions of world consciousness are difficult.
And you are needed to prepare the public and pave the way for the cosmic Love-Wisdom consciousness.
You will share wisdom. You will speak truth.
You will heal the sick. You will be enlightened and empowered!
You will become a person of Love & Wisdom

What Is a Mystic?
Mystics are individuals who, by means of meditation, prayer & devotion, raise their consciousness to that level whereby it can be stated that they are at-one with the Divine. When speaking, mystics do so from an all-knowing state of Consciousness.
Mystics are individuals of faith who attain mystical union with the Divine as a result of Meditation, Prayer, or Devotion.
When speaking, the mystic does so from an expanded state of Consciousness.
Mystics are often publicly renowned for various gifts such as: healing, and sundry miracles. These are but outward signs of an inner spiritual development and are dismissed as inconsequential by mystics.
Mystics are humble people who bring the extraordinary to the ordinary, who bring the Divine to the mundane, who live with their spirit in one world and their body in another world.
Mystics are servants of the Divine. They are not bound by the limitations of man or religion. Their allegiance is to the one Living and True God.
The Mystic, the Sage and Prophet, Harbinger of The New Epoch
Already in his early childhood, it was clear from his way of life and his spiritual gifts that Daniel Clay was born a mystic, a sage. However, many people experience a pull to the Divine later in life. Such spiritual calling may be latent within you and, if such is the case can be developed with intensive training.
However, prophets are born, but usually they need to be trained for this gift to come to its full potential.
If you have the desire to become a mystic, a prophet or someone who wishes to receive Daniel Clay’s energies so that you may become a beacon of light to all in your surroundings, this program is for you.
Daniel Clay will be your teacher and you will stay with him for the duration of a week in total immersion. You will eat and sleep at his locale and be isolated from all outside influences in order to be imbued by his energies and his teaching.
As the Master, Daniel Clay will be with you in your every step towards your spiritual development and goal. He will guide you and teach you as you master all that you need in order to live your life as the mystic

The Program
This is a super intensive program for those who desire to take a Zen approach to Mysticism, which is a “Middle Path,” i.e., Devotional Path program.
This program is not tied to any religion. A non-religious individual can become a mystic. However, the one absolute requirement is a steadfast belief in the One-Omnipotent Force behind Creation.
Under the guidance and supervision of Daniel Clay:
You will be taught special techniques of prayer & meditation.
You will be taught and practice visualization techniques.
You will learn how smell, sound, light and color impact your meditations.
You will learn how to raise your consciousness via prayer or meditation.
You will be taught to recognize Spiritual Forces not of this realm.
You will be taught how to listen to those Forces.
You will be taught how to work with those Forces.
You will awaken healing abilities and may be taught specific healing techniques.
You will be taught to send healing to those at a distance.
You will more fully awaken your latent psychic abilities.
This program will be adapted to your personal spiritual development and thus is most effective as a one-on-one program, but may be extended to two or three people who wish to study together.
You will lodge in the home of Daniel Clay and share meals with him.
After your study, awakened and initiated, you will become a divine blessing to those with whom you come in contact during your normal daily life.
How To Maintain That Which You Have Learned When Away From the Master
Many people from the West have flocked to the yogis and holy men of the East in search of spiritual enlightenment. But when they returned to normal daily life, all that was taught while in the presence of the yogi or holy man soon was forgotten.
Indeed, most of that which you learn will come easy to you while in the Master’s presence as he radiates and engulfs you in his state of consciousness. However, it is a known fact that, when no longer in a Master’s presence, the student has trouble raising his consciousness to that level which he was able to reach when in the presence of the Master.
So, in order to strengthen you in your desire to live and breathe as the mystic, you will learn how to utilize, adapt and retain all you have learned, so your abilities will remain potent and “fully awake” when you are no longer in the presence of Daniel Clay.
Furthermore, if such is appropriate and you are ready, you will be Initiated—meaning, the transferal of consciousness of the Master to you, the student—so that you may be in that state of consciousness in the “blink of an eye” when such is needed or you so desire.
To maintain the spiritual level of consciousness to which the student has been raised is the reason why so many want to be around their Master and remain with him. This is known as the “spiritual high”. However, such is not Daniel Clay’s goal. He teaches and then sends his students off into the world of business, trade, politics or whatever is the student’s professional life. He wants you, his student, to be a contributing part to your family, your friends, your colleagues, and co-workers and live your normal daily life—but as a Spiritual Beacon of Light.
If we are to do our part in changing the world, we need to be in that world and work with, influence and radiate our love, our peace and our joy to the people in our immediate surrounding.
Daniel Clay’s rhetorical question to you:
“Who is the more spiritual individual, the monk who locks himself up for prayer & meditation, or the businessman?
The monk but seeks his own personal enlightenment while the businessman gives of himself with his work and his funds to benefit his community.”
Daniel Clay has trained many people as mystics. They reside in all corners of the world.
You Are Needed
Prophets are needed to warn people
So they may enter upon the path to Love & Wisdom
Teachers are needed
So students may learn the way of Peace and Prosperity
Leaders are needed
So nations may learn to live together harmoniously and prosper.
It is this that will make it possible
For all people to live in the World of Love & Wisdom.
The Program
Learn all that you can learn!
Because knowledge is important
If you are to apply the twin-keys of Love & Wisdom
To open your heart
To expand your mind
And to make the world a better place for all of humanity