Who We Teach and What We Teach

We bring you Teachings.
We answer your questions.
We train those who will help others learn to walk upon the path of truth.
We train prophets
And those who will warn the humans of this world of their errors.
We train prophets
Who will benefit society and help people travel upon the path of righteousness.
We work to establish the World of Love & Wisdom.
We train those who will warn others,
So, a great catastrophe can be avoided.
We train those who wish to usher in an Era of Love & Wisdom.
The Philosophy
Are you Christian?
Then, Come! Be with us
And build upon our philosophy
So we may create a better tomorrow!
Are you Buddhist?
Come! Be with us
So you may build a better tomorrow
Are you Hindu; Are you Taoist; Are you Daoist;
Are you…
Of what Faith?
Of all Faiths?
Come be with us!
The philosophy of Love & Wisdom applies to ALL Faiths.
What We Teach
Daniel Clay Institute
Does NOT teach you religion or philosophy by which you should live,
Rather, it empowers you to live truthfully and fully by the religion or the philosophy you have chosen.
We combine the Wisdom of the East
With the Love of the West:
The Teachings of the Buddha with the Teachings of the Christ.
As we usher in a new Age, a new Era, a new Epoch of Love and Wisdom
These Teachings are a philosophy that you may apply to your religion—whatever it be,
To usher in the Love Wisdom World.

Love Wisdom — the Foundation of Our New World
The philosophy of Love & Wisdom
Applies to all religions.
It applies to all people.
It applies to all nations.
The Philosophy of Love and Wisdom
Is the foundation upon which a world of Love & Wisdom can be built.
You Are Needed
You Have Been Called.
You have come here not by accident,
But you have come here because you have been called.
You are the hope of tomorrow!
You are the prophets of today!
You are the founders of the Love Wisdom World!
You are the founders of the one-global world that lives in harmony and peace!
It is by your aspirations that generations to come will be able to live side by side
In the pursuit of happiness that all people deserve.
Prophets Are Needed
Prophets are needed to show people how to move into the future.
Come! Study with us
And be a prophet to help people enter into the New Epoch of World History.
You are needed!
Because those prophets who warn of danger and peril but give no hope for the future,
Do no service for humanity.
Prophecy is about showing people how to have a better future, a better tomorrow.
You are needed!
Because real prophets are needed
Ones who give not only warning, but hope!
For doomsayers are only half-prophets, clinging to the past and wishing ill.
You are needed!
You are needed to give hope to humanity.
Come! be with us.

A New Heaven & A New Earth
You are the hope of tomorrow!
You are the leaders of tomorrow!
You are those who will teach Love & Wisdom to the children of tomorrow,
And you are those who can lead today’s world into a peaceful tomorrow.
It is your efforts as prophets
That can avoid catastrophe and calamity.
As the Age changes from one Sacred Astrological Age to another Sacred Astrological Age,
It is your efforts and teaching others that can usher in a world of peace.
The Christ said,
“These are the signs of the end of the Age,”
And He also said,
There would be a new heaven and a new earth
The Love Wisdom World is the new heaven and the new earth!
The Apocalypse
It is the end of an Age.
It is the beginning of a New Heaven and a New Earth.
Study with us!
Learn the secrets of the world to come.
Study with us!
Be the prophets that will help this world avoid an apocalypse.
For the new heaven and the new earth will be ushered in with great violence
If humankind clings to the past.
But if humankind strives to reach for the future,
Then the prophesied world can be one of abundant blessings
For all prophesy comes as a warning
And as a hope for the future.
There is no need for an apocalypse.
But an apocalypse is certain,
If humanity clings to the past rather than apply love wisdom to move into the future.
Technology and Communication
As it is progressing
can be a great blessing to humanity.
If humanity clings to the past and clings to old forms of government and old ideas of dominance,
Then, technology and modern communication
Can become a great curse.
It is for this reason we need you, and all who will, to join us,
To become prophets for the new Epoch being ushered in,
To be teachers for the new Epoch being ushered in,
To teach a philosophy of love and of wisdom to all of humanity,
And most especially to the children!
We are entering into the Age of Love of Wisdom,
And, if… if we look forward to the future,
It will be a blessing of abundance,
And we will enter into a utopian world.
The world prophesied by John the Revelator:
A New Heaven and a New Earth.